I am working on a new painting. This one with tall, skinny, waving buildings with hats. Party hats as a matter of fact. I have this thing for drawing structures occupied by humans and I like them with something on top. Like peaked roofs or hats or spiralling antennas. I am not sure when I will get this done, maybe after the B&B show. It is only 12"x18" but I am going to pack a lot of color and texture in it.
I heard a political pundit today say that Hillary Clinton supporters were " rubbed raw " by this primary and I agree. While it has been exciting, remarkable and amazing; I am sad that the end is near. I am in such a quandry of emotion that yesterday someone had stuck an OBAMA '08 sticker on the Farmer's Market poster in the lobby and I agressively ripped it down and tossed it in the trash. It is not that I do not like Obama; it's that I like Hillary Clinton better and you bet, I am rubbed raw! Raw emotions, that is! Good night and have a very pleasant tomorrow, Lois