Saturday, April 24, 2010

Self Portrait Friday Rolls Around Again

I had my camera locked in my studio and the keys to the studio locked safely in the shop in town so I needed to take a picture with my laptop's camera. Jacob saw what I was doing and said if I was doing a self portrait, he needed to be in it! Of course, he buttered me up by saying I did not have a double chin, so who could resist?

Seriously, I am enjoying the challenge of self portraits and the awakening of myself that they bring about. I find myself thinking about them all week long and examining my feelings towards them. I still do not like having my picture taken, even by me as it is very difficult to not see before me the image that is carried in my head. Who knows where this inner path will lead? I am walking carefully around personal land mines and demons on this journey of self.

On another note, I can not let Phil mow the lawn because too many plump chickadees are feasting on all our bloomed out dandelion seeds! They are so wonderful to watch!