Monday, March 16, 2009

Here is yet another snow picture of the path that winds to the studio down the side of the house. My very orange plus six other colors house. All this color makes me smile on the grayest of days. Enough already though, spring begins Friday so no more snow!
Exciting news today arrived via email. I was approved or rather my idea was accepted for an on line blog with our local newspaper, the Port Townsend Leader.( ) This means I get to writte a blog on artists in PT and have it posted on line. I feel like Lois Lane in the Superman stories or maybe cub reporter Jimmy Olsen! Stop the presses! Can that be said anymore as presses around the country ARE stopping? Maybe it's " stop that net " or" don't push that send button! " Who knows? I do know one thing for certain though, I am a newspaper junkie and I like to hold an actual NEWSPAPER in my hands! In light of not being an actual print newspaper reporter; I will just have to wear my blogging hat and get down to it! stay tuned!