Here are a few photos of our snow, a big 5 inches! I know all you mid-west, Alaska kind of people are laughing at this " BIG " snow but for us it is significant AND we have no snow removal equipment. What falls on the ground and roads, stays on the ground and roads.
Jacob is standing in front of our tomato plant patch all fenced to keep deer and racoons out. There is also a nice shot of the snow covered Olympic Mountains and the foot hills.Finally, he is an exhausted sledder!
Today there are fears of flooding in the area. The boxes are packed and shipped to Tucson, our house-dog-cat sitter is here and I have pulled out some summer clothes to wear. I have to finish the last of the charm polishing, pay the employees and head out. I will tempt you maybe one more time with snow pictures and then I am taking this camera to Tucson so I can take and load pictures after my show. Have a bright day! Lois