The packing is done and everything has shipped to Bead & Button so knock wood, it will be there on Friday and I will be there on Tuesday. Whew! Now maybe just for this evening, I can relax a bit and play around with little projects I have wanted to finish for awhile. Jacob rode his bike today 25 miles during the school's bike a thon fund raiser. Their goal was to raise $1200 for school supplies. I don't know yet if they made it but I do know that after the 5th mile; Jacob fell and tore open his knee. It probably needs stitches or at least crazy glue but he is too wriggly to try it! I made hime take a hot bath to fix him up. It is kind of creepy though staring into the hole in his knee. " Look ma, I kin see his innerds! "
In honor of finishing the packing of 11 boxes to B&B; I am posting a picture of a bead embroidered brooch I am working on. I think she is beautiful in her finery!
Sweet dreams - Lois