Tuesday, April 27, 2021

 I Honestly do not know what has happened to my blog. Somewhere out there in the wide, wide cyberspace of the internet; floats my blog postings from 2021. I will be better about checking in and writing. I like to write and will add it into my studio time. It is crazy here at the office with minimal internet service through the phone company. Oh well. Not much of a choice here. 

So this is me still selling beads. making jewelry and silver smithing 30 years later. The shop is having a big birthday this year! 

This is the location of my first solo retail location, The Lewis Building at 630 Water Street. I was the back left corner and partnered with Gary and Jack who owned the business in the front of the building. What an adventure. 

More later! 

 I have been posting faithfully on this blog for months now into 2021 and can not find any of those posts!!! What has happened? Help?|! I am lost!