Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The wind is blowing like crazy and is shaking the entire house and making the sliding glass door bow in. It makes me anxious and I can feel my heart fluttering in my chest. I suppose it comes from years of living on the beach when I had to worry about the tides and water crashing over the bulkhead. That was definitely scary then when you live at minus 1 foot elevation. Of course, no insurance company ever wanted to offer us flood insurance! HAHA - I figure if I put my ear plugsin; I just might be able to sleep, per chance to dream.

Monday, December 29, 2008

This is a beautiful sunset seen from my front porch the last evening before our big snow storms came. Isn't it just beautiful? It holds the promise of such a peaceful night, something I wish the whole world could experience!
I worked all day today in the studio, flitting from project to project and thouroughly enjoyed myself. I can dabble in so many things while I am out there; Today, I made jewelry for the shop, painted on canvas, worked on a scrapbook or rather the Lois version of a scrapbook and did some hand sewing on a silk bag I am making as a gift for a friend.

Anyone notice how the news is ever so depressing day after day? Retail sales are horribly down but sales of alcohol are up and auto body shops are extremely busy after all our snow. Go figure! I think one of my new year's resolutions will be not to watch the news and to think of and believe in the positive side of things. Tomorrow is a full day in the shop for me. Hope it is a nice busy day and that my customers and I enjoy each other. Good night!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Gift

This cool piece is now hanging on my living room wall so I can see it from my knitting chair!
This is a wonderful gift that I received from Phil for Christmas. It is made in Hati from oil drums that were cut apart and made into animal shapes. This is a bird that reminds me of a partridge. I'm not sure if that is exactly what it is but I do love it! I have new charms back from the caster already for Tucson so I will try and add some pictures soon. Nighty - night, Lois

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Finally, we are having some more normal weather! Gray skies, fog and temperatures in the 40's. I am looking forward to the return of a little bit of sun but I do not know when that might happen. In the meantime, I am going to begin in earnest to get ready for the big show in Tucson. I have sample jewelry to make and charms to organize and lots of lucite beads to dye. I also have new diamond hollow core drill bits so I hope to begin drilling beach rocks and coring them with silver. Hmmmm ... that might just mean some walks on the beach will be needed! I could really go for that!

I have posted a picture of an end table I painted. It is my first piece of furniture that I tried to do more rubberstamping on than free form painting. I am now using the table to hold my colored pencils. I will be doing a few more pieces as time goes by this winter but first I am going to paint new signs for my " gallery space " that I am carving out of the back hall. Stay tuned!

Friday, December 26, 2008

This Beauty

is my grand daughter, Maia Rose. She is now living in Tennessee. What a sweetheart! She also signed her name,

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Snow Pictures!

Merry Christmas!! And it is SNOWING!!!

It has been at least 18 years since we had snow on Christmas here in PT! We opened gifts and the entire time it was snowing! What a treat! Things are pretty white outside overthe oldsnow but I do not think this will last long as our normal rain is returning. Here are some Christmas morning photos.....

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snow Pictures

The Solstice!

Welcome to the winter Solstice. I love this day, the shortest in the year for I am truly a winter girl and thrive in cold temps and low light. The snow outside is deep and glittery and although the day is brighter, there is no sun. The wind is beginning to blow and I can hear the chimes tinkling in the trees around the house and on the porch. Ahhh ... everything is so pretty, white and wintery. I love it. Just love it!

Jacob is dancing around me, skipping here and there chanting for my hair to hurry and dry so we can go build a snowman. I want to build a snow queen! Maybe I will lend her one of my tiarras! I am off to play in this amazing winter wonderland but I am leaving you with these beautiful snowflake photos. Wouldn't it be amazing to craft them into jewelry fit for a snow queen?xo, Lois

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Oh, the weather outside is frightful.....it is snowing and blowing and a blizzard exsists outside the doors and windows of my home. We are not even due for the really big winds until later tonight and early tomorrow morning. Then the winds could equal a category one hurricane, gusts to 90mph! Wow! We have not had a snowstorm here like that since 1974. It is all very exciting but just horrible with a capital H for business.

Oh well, the kid inside me loves, LOVES the snow!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Our handsome teenage cat, Milagro who is now sharing my studio in this cold, cold December! I think he inspires my creativity especially when I trail after him cleaning up his messes. Curious kitty, that's him.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Getting Along

I am trying to get back into the swing of things, you know, work in the shop, enjoy the snow we have now, making jewelry and painting and I will be humming along all fine and then stop and think, " My mom is gone! " Really gone! I can't call her, can't ask her a question. There was so much I should have asked her about family, growing up, being a woman. I just didn't. A friend said it so well the other day; a girl just needs to know her mother is around, then she can do anything. I am sure this funk will lift shortly then I will truly be back. Till then....

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My mother passed away today at about 1:30 my time.I will miss her a lot and our talks. She was very peaceful at the end and just simply stopped breathing. I will get back to life and this blog soon. xo.

Friday, December 5, 2008

A Very Sad Day...

... as my mother lingers near death in a hospital in Parkersburg, West Virginia, so far from here. I am not going to say anymore at this time on that. I do have a big headache from crying which began as soon as I found out yesterday morning. She has had lung cancer (DAMN! DAMN! CIGARETTES! ) but still this is all very sudden so the poem I posted the other day by Auden " Stop All the Clocks " ends up being prophetic, sad and oddly comforting.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Little drawings that I like to make and include when sending cards. They are very small maybe less than 5 inches overall and are meant to be a happy inclusion in greeting cards. I have a new camera now and promised Andrea at lunch today that I would get it out of the box tonight so off I go to do just that! Me - with new technology that has not hidden in a box in my closet for years until it is old technology! Amazing! Off to new explorations! Lois
W. H. Auden

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

I just recently watched the movie, Four Weddings and a Funeral and this poem is recited in it. I love the weighty-ness of it. The sentiment. The heavy grief. The pause in time. I don't know why I am printing it here as usually I am a pretty happy person but I can appreciate this poem. It also seems appropriate on a gray winter's day here especially when we have not seen sun for many days!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


With wishes for peace and offering you blessings and feeling much gratitude; I say Happy Thanksgiving! Love, Lois

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bellevue Bead Festival

I probably will not get a chance to add to my blog tomorrow as I must dash around and pack clothes, knitting, sketchbook, journal and novel all for the 2 days I will be in Bellevue. I swear that it takes me more time to pack what I want to do in my free time than it takes to pack my clothing! This is the first year for this festival and with all the gloom and doom surrounding our economy; I am not sure what to expect. I do know that we must love and care for one another, convey that to all around us and treat each customer as my friend and co conspirator. I approach everything I do in my life with passion and love and I want even a customer who spends 50¢ to know that. I will have fun and be surrounded by beads, gorgeous beads, friends and my little family. See you on Monday! xo, Lois

This Morning

The sight of Swarovski crystals all nestled into their trays is a beautiful thing to see! Yum!
Jacob woke me up early today by dashing into my room and saying," Get up Mom, you have got to see the sky! It's beautiful! "
So I threw on my robe and went out onto the porch and the sky WAS beautiful! It was an amzing array of pinks, reds, azures, turquoises and blues. Jacob said it was the prettiest sky he had ever seen in his entire life! I loved the sky but mostly I loved that Jacob was excited about nature and the sky and beauty to tell me! I think he is a pretty amazing boy!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I went outside tonight, just a few moments ago, and looked to the stars in the sky for answers to questions I did not even know that I had posed. The air is turning cold, crisp and I know it is probably a longing on my part, but I swear that I smell snow on the wind. I love snow and the feeling of being snuggled at home although that is sometimes far from the reality.

I had a great birthday day and received a camera from Phil so that I could begin to photograph jewelry and create my etsy site! I am excited at the prospect. I also did a major splurge ( it was time for me to do my part and stimulate the economy ) and ordered some paints that Kathy D recommended. I can hardly wait to try them out. I feel paintings already swimming in my head and I am promising new pictures to my blog with the NEW camera.

In honor of the gorgeous sequins hanging in the sky tonight; I lead with this photo of one of my sterling stars. I have always looked to the heavens for answers and guidance!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Say it's my birthday! I wanted to stay awake tonight so that I could post in the first few moments of the beginning of my 52nd year! I am most grateful to have had 52 years and am looking forward to another 52, good Lord willing. I am pleased with my graying hair, my slightly deeper smile lines and I like to think that I am moving forward in this part of my life with a good dose of me and still learning new things. I love being alive and am totally, wonderfully in love with life! Cheers!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State in the Obama administration?! I could not be more excited and I know the country will be in good hands. She is one smart and wise woman! Somedays the news feels good and I do not have to be depressed about watching it on TV. I am a big newspaper fan and that is probably because I can CHOOSE what news enters my life and thoughts. Now it is my most sincere wish and prayer that the war ends! Peace.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oh my good golly!!! I DID IT!!! I saved a picture from my email and then pasted it here with Andrea's help. I am so bursting with computer skills and pride at this moment that my office can not contain me! Of course, this feeling will only last as long as the next time I cannot figure out how to do something and once again I want to toss the computer across the room!

In the meantime, here is my ad for the Bead & Button issue that will come out in time for the Tuscon shows. I really like the yellow color and the drawings I did that they scanned into my ad. Very smugly I say Good night and thanks Andrea! xo, Lois

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another fabulous picture from the Portland Bead Society show. This is Lisa of Zizzyzaza Beads and Theresa of Treasures by T. When the three of us are together, our humor is wicked and knows no bounds. Geez, we have a great time! More from the next show soon! Lois

A Quote

This is a very apt and true quote that I found on another blog. I really like it so I thought that I would share it with you. Today finds it very wet and still balmy here in beautiful PT. I find myself having to do some paperwork ( sigh ) and getting must do's out of the way before I can hit the studio. I am personally feeling much happier and brighter since I vanished negative speaking and negative thoughts from my life and mind. Or rather, I should say am trying to bannish. It is way more difficult than I thought plus, I am trying not to become a simple minded Pollyanna. We shall see if this journey is a good one. Perhaps I shall write more later today! I am feeling energetic! Go Lois, go Lois, go Lois.....

Monday, November 10, 2008

The annual shop sale is over and the interior of my store is nearly put back together. It was great fun and so nice to see everyone in spite of the blowing rains and howling wind. We can't complain too much about the weather though; it has been pretty balmy with temps in the mid 50's all the way up to 60 one day! Gasp - and it is November!

Tomorrow is a work all day or rather a play day for me at the shop. I want to do some sprucing up before the big Turkey Day. It's hard to believe that it is nearly mid November with Thanksgiving rapidly approaching and Christmas not too far behind.

Finished a really nice story early this morning around 4 am. A work of fiction titled THE SINGLE WIFE. Very good read and so well put together, it was hard to believe it was the author's first novel.

Off to dreamland for me this evening. Lois

Thursday, November 6, 2008


This wraps up today's blog entries as I must dash about like a mad woman and get ready for our annual bead shop sale. I hope everyone's spirits are lifted after the election and that they will shop with joy and abandon. Much love, Lois This is the delightful Ms. Cox who was my neighbor in Portland. I wish we had more time to get to know each other because she was terrific even if we did covet her table! We really liked her beads and I hope we are next to each other sometime soon.
Peter and kelly from San Francisco Arts & Crafts have been in the business just a shade longer than me and we have a great time yacking at the shows. It is amazing to me how well you can get to know people when your conversations are limited to a few moments between customers.
Carol from Montana Reflections has the best nose for finding really cool beads considering she is pretty much in the middle of nowhere!
Donna Ballard and her husband, Leonard from Not Just Beads at the same show. Donna does amazing lampworked beads and I am pleased to carry them in my shop. I can't say too much right now though as it could spoil Christmas gifts for friends!
THis is my friend Ed from Empyrean Beads at the Portland show. I just love spending time with him and talking about beads and business. He has a great sense of humor!
I do not know if it is just me or this damn dinosaur of a laptop but it has taken me nearly an hour to sign into this account! Why oh why, does a comapny that provides a service like this blog, not make it easy to contact them for help? I would even pay if I could get the necessary advice. Oh well, on that bitter and sour note I begin this blog a new with todya's post!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I am hopeful and smiling and dreaming and praying for a better day, a better life for America and all her citizens. I feel good that Obama won the presidency this day and after listening to his inspiring speech tonight, I can't help but feel that I am listening to my generation's John F. Kennedy. I will move into tomorrow with a lighter heart, a happier soul and hope for my family, the country, the world and our precious environment. God bless us all! Tomorrow IS a new day!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Here in Portland

We made it to Portland and I need to say I was very glad that someone else was driving in the pouring rain as between the rain on the windshield and the spray from the big trucks; I could not see a thing! Jacob kept himself busy by watching his portable DVD player and for the umpteemth time, watching Jurassic Park. Remember when you were a kid and the only thing you could do on a 4 hour car trip was look at scenery and count license plates?

The weather is beautiful here in Portland though and I had a great turkey burger at Besaw's tonight, a local restaurant in a small vintage service station. Phil had chicken and waffles with maple syrup from Vermont. He had never heard of eating fried chicken and waffles together. I told him it was a wonderful old souther treat! I managed a bite or two and it was great!

Gotta run, evidentally taking Jake to Powell's huge book store was not enough to keep him from bugging me right now. He HAS to check his emails now, my Mr. Popularity! Goodnight from the Rose City, Lois

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Around Here

this is one of my silver charm necklaces that Andrea and Phil were experimenting with taking pictures of. They were trying to capture the silver charms in great detail and I think it looks pretty good. Now I just need to buy all the fancy stuff to become the photographer that my famous college photography teacher said I would never become! Oh, if he could only have seen into the future of cameras and the digital explosion! Now, I am off to Portland, Oregon early in the morning for the Portland Bead Society show and sale. We are leaving extra early so Jacob can get to Powell's Bookstore and their acres of new and used books. His list is a long one! Good Night! xo, Lois

Then of course, here are more trees in their autumn splendor. This time from Bainbridge Island. They are magnificent in their firey colors. ( Here's also to my friend Gina who spent many youthful summers with her grandparents on this island she refers to as BRAINDEAD Island. ) Makes me laugh!
This is the mess of new beads on my studio floor. I love dumping them in a pile and carefully walking around them for a few days or longer as they " age ". After the appropriate time passes, only then can I begin to sort them for the shop or shows or jewelry or the web site. It is great fun and for a while I feel bead rich with my pirate's plunder!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I like this picture, too. Lois

Monday, October 27, 2008

Something to Crow About!

No not really. I just found these little thumbnail sketches of crows and thought that I would add them to my blog. I can already feel new drawings of a certain black bird percolating in me! Best of all ... I voted today!!!! The power held in the palm of my hand by a basic black pen! I hope everyone that can votes this election. It is such a privilege to be able to do so and I mean to exercise my right to vote every single time an election comes along! Power to the people! Lois

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Some of us in this world just can not give a birthday gift on time to save our very lives and I am one of them! Andrea's b-day was in September and even though I had purchased terrific crow buttons for her all the way back in March; it wasn't until last week that I found them and finally put her gift together and actually drove over and gave it to her! She was surprised, I think and this is her picture with the big plastic crow I found. Won't he look great in a garden or flower pot? Happy Birthday andrea and many more, Love, Lois

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oh my gosh! We are just home from the DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE and NEIL YOUNG concert in Everett and all I can say is, " WOW! ". It was screamingly fantastic and I just about swooned in my seat with how fantastic the music was. It vibrated right through to the very soul of my core! Did I take any pictures? Of course not. Did I buy any souvenirs? Of course not. Did I rock on like I was 18? You bet!!!!! Did I yell and scream and whistle and dance? You bet!!! Wow, what a terrific time! Then even better, I met Chris' parents the next morning at breakfast! He is the guitarist for Death Cab. Fabulous meeting them. We had a wonderful, wonderful time and now I am ready to go again! Love, Lois

Monday, October 20, 2008

We have tatoos and in Phil's case, it is his first ever! His says Sherpa in Tibet because everyone jokes in Tucson that he is my sherpa because he carries all my stuff on his back as we shop! I think it looks pretty cool. And mine? It is another in a series of flower designs and charms I am working on. Tomorrow, the Neil Young and Death Cab for Cutie concert! Yippee! I don't think I 've been to a real concert since college way back when.... Lois


It is all I can do right now to not throw my laptop across the room and watch it shatter into smithereens! I can access this blog from the main computer but not from my laptop. I have great pictures to post on my laptop but since my laptop won't send or receive emails for some unknown stupid, stupid reason; I can't email the pictures to myself either! AAARARAYFUIGSIUGGIUBD! I will work on this but for now, I will quit while I am NOT ahead! Grrrrr!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I really wanted to post an incredible picture tonight of some of the local scenery and color from here but since I never seem to be in the same place as my camera; I am borrowing a beautiful shot sent to me by my sister in law from Anchorage, Barb. I still get a thrill out of knowing that I HAVE a sister in law and that means I have a brother and that means there is someone else that shares a name with me and I LIKE them! HA! So here it is a picture Barb took on her way home of Anchorage and man oh man, do I lust to be there. G'night, Lois