Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Solstice!

Welcome to the winter Solstice. I love this day, the shortest in the year for I am truly a winter girl and thrive in cold temps and low light. The snow outside is deep and glittery and although the day is brighter, there is no sun. The wind is beginning to blow and I can hear the chimes tinkling in the trees around the house and on the porch. Ahhh ... everything is so pretty, white and wintery. I love it. Just love it!

Jacob is dancing around me, skipping here and there chanting for my hair to hurry and dry so we can go build a snowman. I want to build a snow queen! Maybe I will lend her one of my tiarras! I am off to play in this amazing winter wonderland but I am leaving you with these beautiful snowflake photos. Wouldn't it be amazing to craft them into jewelry fit for a snow queen?xo, Lois

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