Tuesday, October 11, 2016

In My World

Here in my little world where the days start early and end falling asleep in my living room chair; I paint and dream, color and plan, knit and visualize - all the creative things I want to do and make as I find time. Sunny days should give me more energy but it is the cool, gray, wet days that inspire my creativity. I can hunker down in the studio or at the shop and make things. At home I play a bit, work a bit for the shop and then play some more.

At the shop, I rearrange beady treasures, play a bit, help customers, visit other merchant friends, do repair work and keep moving forward on a path that delights me. Socially, I am the butterfly that flits here, there and everywhere onto the perfect purple nectar giving flower.

I have not been doing shows on the road and even though I really, really thought I would miss them, I do not. I can take my sweet time with a customer, linger over a tea with a friend, spend time just contemplating a project I want to do. ( Like tackling lace knitting next week! )

Here in this world, politics leaves me alone. Friends share a common vision of peace and love and I am reborn in the delight, with the delight, of being and remaining creative.

First fall bloom. I love yellow at this time of the year.
Stacks at the old tidy bowl.
Graffiti, at the Wave Viewing Gallery, which I admire for its cultural significance and hate
for its disruptive, community marring markings.

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