Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Little Poem I Found and Enjoyed

Little things would irk me, and I grow

Impatient with my dear ones, make me know

How in a moment joy can take its flight

And happiness be quenched in endless night.

Keep this thought with me all the livelong day

That I may guard the harsh words I might say

When I would fret and grumble, fiery hot,

At trifles that tomorrow are forgot

Let me remember, Lord, how it would be

If these, my loved ones, were not here with me.

Browsing through the internet I came across this little poem and I liked its' sentiment and the quaint " old fashion-ness " of its' wording. I also would not like to be without my loved ones and today as I sat on the deck steps with Phil while Jacob rode around on his motorbike sounding bicycle; the sun was out and it was a perfect temperature; I thought how lucky and blessed I am! Thank you! Thank you! Lois

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