Sunday, February 24, 2008

A lazy Sunday Morning

Jacob and Phil have gone to the animal shelter to do their volunteer work and I have the house to myself! Mmmm ... quiet, spacious, wonderful empty house. Just the sweet soft snoring of the dog is keeping me company. I have read BOTH Sunday papers from front to back and watched the CBS Sunday Morning show with Charles Osgood. The day is partly cloudy and a bit warmish so I am not particularly inspired to get up and about. I do need to pack for the Sew Expo show in Puyallup this coming weekend. I have some fabulous bead and fiber treasures to take and display. I am just not terribly motivated to spend the day in the warehouse. I'd rather play int the studio. Anyway, if I get my get along together; I will add a photo or two later today. Till then - enjoy this day! Lois

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